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Sexfecta - podcast about Sex, Love and Nerd Stuff
Interview with Angela and Erick, 2 voices of Sexfecta Podcast.
TEG: Tell us about yourself and your background?
Angela: 33 years old, married with two little girls. I am Polyamorous. I work a desk job during the week and on weekend I love to have fun whether it's going to the local lifestyle club or hanging out with my husband and boyfriend (Erik) at home. I am big into fitness, technology, and nerdy stuff.
Erik: I am a few weeks shy of 40, father of a teenager. I work the graveyard shift at a factory. I spend most of my time writing, making inappropriate jokes, or binge-watching Downton Abbey for the 6th time. I think I am a prude, but Angela is convinced I am very open, I might be starting to agree with her.
TEG: What made you want to start a podcast right now?
Angela: I was actually doing a podcast before with Andrew (her husband) called Box Press Radio. That podcast is still ongoing. I started a fitness podcast first and that isn't airing anymore. I just loved the idea of having a podcast and talking about interesting topics.
Erik: I always loved talk radio growing up. I still listen to it daily. The idea that I could do the same with podcasting was very exciting. I had researched doing my own podcast and then I started dating Angela and it got me more motivated to do so. Then when the opportunity to join her on Sexfecta Podcast I jumped at the offer.
TEG: How did you come up with this idea?
Angela and Erik: The idea for Sexfecta Podcast came up when Angela's previous podcast about fitness ended. Angela was wanting to start another one. She was talking to friends about it and they wanted to start one about sex since that was all they talked about. So the three of them set it up 2 years ago and started recording. Since the start of Sexfecta, there have been other hosts and Sexfecta Podcast just rebooted itself recently with Angela and Erik as hosts. Everyone was involved in polyamory or the swinging lifestyle so it just fit.
TEG: Do you have any advice to other creators out there who have a cool project swirling around their head?
Angela and Erik: Just do it! If it is something you are passionate about, figure out a way to get it going. Sometimes it takes awhile to get it off the ground, but it will be worth the time and effort you put into it. You have a voice, and there is an audience out there who wants to hear what you have to say.
TEG: Tell us a little about the Sexfecta Podcast? Why the sexual topic?
Angela and Erik: Sexfecta Podcast is a podcast where Angela and Erik talk about sex, love and nerdy topics usually while they bicker and joke at each other's expense. The sexual topic is mostly because nobody likes to talk about sex with other people. There are so many taboo things about talking about sex that people tend to avoid talking about it. In addition, many podcasts cover sex & relationships but some tend to be serious, sometimes too much. We thought that the best way to present sexual topics was conversationally and with humor. We aren't always on the same page, but we always enjoy the conversation and each others company.
TEG: What is the idea behind it?
Angela and Erik: The idea behind the podcast is to get information out there in a fun and interesting way. We try to get topics about different things as they relate to sex and love for people to learn how to improve their sex lives as well as understand there is more out there than just monogamy. If people want basic info they would search the internet for basic information. We provide true life experience. It might be stories, jokes, or a casual discussion as we learn along with the audience. We aren't necessarily experts, but we want to be part of the discussion, and we encourage our audience to do the same.
TEG: How often can we hear the podcast and where?
Angela and Erik: We are a weekly podcast. We post a new episode every Monday unless we take a week off to spend time together. You can find our podcast on our website: www.sexfectapodcast.com, iTunes, Stitcher, and any Android podcast app. We will also be beginning a twice-monthly video show to complement the podcast.
TEG: What is the best part of your work?
Angela and Erik: The best part is that we can get information and topics out there that improve people's lives in a really personal way. We like to know that we could be helping people improve their relationships with others. The moments where people contact us online, or in person, and ask for advice, or continue the discussion. Those are the most rewarding moments. It is proof we are taking away the taboo that still exists when it comes to being open about sex or relationships.
TEG: What is most challenging about it?
Angela and Erik: The biggest hurdle we have is getting listeners to interact with us due to the content. People don't write to us and ask questions or give feedback as much. It is tough to work against the traditional secrecy people have with their sex lives. We would love to get more feedback and questions sent to us so we can help you be more successful in your sex and love lives.
Explicit content is also a bit of hurdle when trying to get our podcast out there. So, we depend a lot on word of mouth and providing more content avenues.
TEG: Anything else you would like to say to our readers?
Angela and Erik: We would love for you to give us a listen and let us know what you think! We are constantly working on making the podcast better for you so any feedback or questions are great. We also would love to have people who work in the fields that have to do with sex, love, relationships, and nerdy professions as guests. We love hearing from listeners, other podcasters, advertisers (haha), or anyone who wants to keep the conversation going.
You can listen to the podcast here: http://sexfectapodcast.com/