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Karen Fisher :"Dating is near impossible"...
Karen Fisher, 40, is a proud porn star who’s been in adult entertainment for 22 years for two things: freedom and money.
The Portland, Oregon native participated in an e-mail question and answers sharing her experience as an adult entertainer. The explicit hardcore porn star exposes myths about the industry, being a wild child and how being a porn star effects her everyday life.
Gino Terrell: “How did you decide to join the adult entertainment industry?”
Karen Fisher: “I was 18 when I decided to start working at a local strip club. It seemed very exciting and I wanted to make a lot of money. I was wild and rebellious.”
G.T.: “When you decided to enter the adult industry were you looking for financial security or to liberate yourself sexually?”
K.F.: “Both to be honest.”
G.T.: “Would you recommend anyone you know to join the adult industry?
K.F.: “It really depends on the person. I think the adult film industry is not for everyone. You must be very comfortable with your sexuality and mature enough to set your boundaries. You also should carefully consider the fact that this material will be out there for all eternity.”
G.T.: “How do you deal with your work life balance?”
K.F.: “It took me a long time to figure that out. For a long period, I really immersed myself with work and had no social life. Then there were periods where I went completely the other way. Now I think I’ve finally figured it out. It’s good to work hard but I think it’s important to have a life outside of porn.”
G.T.: “Does your career interfere with your everyday life?”
K.F.: “When it comes to dating, yes. Otherwise I, rarely find it does. Dating is near impossible.”
G.T.: “What advice would you give to amateurs entering the porn industry?”
K.F.: “Show up on time, sober, well groomed and well rested. I’ve seen girls show up on set drunk and hours late. Another girl clearly hadn’t washed her hair in a week. It’s common sense. Also, save your money. You need to think of your future.”
G.T.: “How do the people who care about you feel when they realize you work in the adult industry?”
K.F.: “Most of my friends were shocked. I’ve never really discussed it with my family.”
G.T.: “How often do people recognize you on the street?”
K.F.: “People rarely approach me in public. I think most people feel awkward just walking up to me and saying, ‘I love your pornos.'”
G.T.: “What do you enjoy doing when you aren’t working?”
K.F.: “I like outdoor activities like hiking and skiing. I love to travel, go to the gym, and spa.”
G.T.: “What’s your astrological sign?
K.F.: “Scorpio.”
G.T.: “Where do you plan on taking your career next, are you thinking mainstream box office media?”
K.F.: “I just go where life takes me. I always enjoy new challenges. Who knows what’s next?
G.T.: “Is it true most famous porn stars find wealth along with their fame?”
K.F.: “No, not all. You can live comfortably, but few porn stars are truly wealthy.”
G.T.: “There’s much chatter that porn causes negative psychological effects when it comes to body image, what’s your take on that?”
K.F.: “Not at all. Porn features all different types of bodies.”
G.T.: “What do you feel is your biggest asset as a porn star?”
K.F.: “My true love for performing.”
G.T.: “Lastly, what’s your favorite part about being a porn star?”
K.F.: “The freedom and adventure of it all.”