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Interview with Priszilla, DJ on Wasteland the Aquaphilia Edition.
I had possibility to interview an exceptional woman, entertainer and but above all a romantic techno DJ - Priszilla
Malvina N: What are currently your main challenges as a DJ?
Priszilla: My Main challenge is not to be influenced, staying true to myself and not going mainstream. Just do my thing when I feel like it, to stay original and not go only for the money.
MN: What is it about DJ’ing, compared to, say, producing your own music, that makes it interesting for you?
P: I love to experience music and be surprised, I always try to feel the music. And when I can feel the music deep inside my soul, I want to share it! I like making my audience feel comfortable and be surprised. Chills down my spine on the dance floor is what I get back, so it's nice!
MN: What do you usually start with when preparing for a set?
P: Before even being present on the dance floor, I am already there. I inform myself about the event, Who is my crowd, what would be nice at that moment, where do they want to go to? I gather a load of tracks that will give me the answer. Then while DJ’ing I make the choices.
MN: Are there any particular tracks or labels that you really liked when starting out?
P: I started with minimal. Like Louie Cut, Ron Flatter. Loved them. From there I discovered the music of Woralks. Lately, I started to like more disco and soul, the good remixes. Nowadays what I really like is Moondance from Popp & Popp, if it can give an example.
MN: Who is your biggest inspiration?
P: I love and respect DJ Hansom, Rado, Max del Principe, Mayday, Bo Monde. I respect them for what they do and how they play their music and can lift up a party. They are also people I share a lot with, not only music but also supporting each other on different clubs in Amsterdam.
MN: What single night out has been the most memorable for you?
P: Once when I was the closing DJ in Club Church on a Saturday night. The DJ before me was well known, so I was a bit nervous. But the party was crap, everybody kept asking when I was going on. The dance-floor was packed and when it was finally my turn they went wild until the end. Right place, time, energy, and music! Another time I remember discovering DJ Hansom, his music was new for me, and it lifted me up till I almost had an orgasm. The stories he can tell and the energy he creates! Also, Max, he was playing at an after party one night. We were there supporting him and were standing close to his booth.
MN: What is one mistake you see a lot of up and coming DJs making? What advice would you give to aspiring DJs?
P: Sometimes I miss the story. It becomes a train of the same mainstream beat. But everybody started, just like me. I can only say, stay true to your own feelings and follow them. If people like it, share the love and fun! But remember!!! You are a DJ, not a jukebox.
MN: If you could eternally be stuck in one year's music scene, which year would it be?
P: The disco/soul area. End ‘60/70’s. Or the upcoming house scene in Holland. I was born a few years too late for it.
MN: What is it that you love about the scene? Your subgenre's scene?
P: I love the gay scene. Always good vibes parties with no shit around only love and respect on the dance-floor. There is a lot of creativity and people feel free because of the vibe the party gives. And the drag scene, the drama, and the theater give even more color to a party!
MN: Do you think this has hurt exclusivity of having a certain sound? A DJ's ability to have a "unique" style? Is having your own style separate from all the other DJs out there even important in modern DJing?
P: Well, I know my music is kind of new to the scene. Everybody gets surprised by my sounds. I don’t even know how to categorize myself. Can you try? Check my Soundcloud Priszilla DJ. I call it “Romantic techno” But it is a mix of sounds I like. And to like a song, (well, I said this already LOL) I really have to feel it deep inside my soul.
MN: What is one track that never gets old for you no matter how many times you hear it?
P: Adagio for Square, from Worakls. LOVE IT!
MN: Why performing on Wasteland?
P: Me and my BF, who is also a famous Drag, Lolo Benzina, have got a company called The Vipers Squat. We do styling, drag, make concepts for parties, and everything that goes with it. With our company, we try to make a platform that brings people together. It is going very well, and we are growing every year. We now have a whole family of “Vipers” in Amsterdam. Four years ago at Wasteland, we started as Drag performers, entertaining and improvising. The people at Wasteland really liked us and we liked them. We talked and believed in each other. Since then we work together. They gave us a room at Wasteland to host, which in the old days was not really a successful room. Now it’s fully packed, we bring the entertainment, we make the concept, book the DJ’s etc. This year it is going to be awesome, the room is an underwater aquarium, backlights everywhere. Love it.
MN: What do you think about Wasteland Aquaphilia Edition?
P: Although the theme was difficult to represent, for the artists it has been a challenge. The room was full of amazing creations and it seems like Wasteland is getting a higher sense of fashion with every edition.
Off course the less creative ones were blue, like water, but certainly enjoyed every single beat and moment of this edition.
MN: What did you and didn't you like about this edition of Wasteland?
P: We were so busy with our room that is very difficult to go into details but the general feeling is good. This time in our little room everything went really good.
MN: Where and when would we be able we can catch your next performance?
P: I perform often at the Church Club in Amsterdam. And the 5th of May I will be spinning some records at the Homomonument in Amsterdam for this years Drag Queen Olympics celebrating Gay Pride. And also other surprises which you can keep an eye for by following me on my Facebook page (Priszilla DJ).
But of course not forgetting the next Wasteland edition the 25th of November.
More information about Priszilla and her work you can find here FacebookPage and her music on SoundCloud