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Spice up your life with FantasyWeekend.ca
TEG: Can you tell us a little bit about you? What kind of boy were you growing up?
Jeremy D.: I was a happy boy. Fun Childhood in cottage country Ontario. Plenty of swimming, camping, boats, snow machines, and bush. I enjoyed sports and played guitar. I’ve always liked to be creative and listened to music a lot. As a teenager, I preferred to look at a lingerie catalog over any porn magazine. There seemed to be a more sensual and erotic implication with lingerie over a porn magazine. The teasing allure of what’s beneath the fabric seemed more stimulating to me.
TEG: How did you become a blogger?
Jeremy D.: My first blog created was a travel blog. My wife and I traveled South East Asia and I journaled our travels on Blogspot. It was super fun for me. It was a creative way to share my photography with people. My Fantasy Blog started because I had accidentally discovered something special about my relationship success. I needed to put it into words. I feel that I’ve made a discovery and the words have been flowing out ever since. The blog contains a 10 part mini-series called “10 Relationship Problems Solved With Role Play” It basically is an essay about the 10 ways Fantasy Weekends improved my relationship. There’s so much more I’d like to blog about when I get the time.
TEG: Tell us a little about fantasyweekends.ca.
Jeremy D.: Fantasy Weekends goal is to help couples build intimacy and strengthen their relationship. We deliver role-play scenarios that encourage both sexual and emotional connection. The scenarios are delivered in a 10 part series. Each scenario suggests a fresh new way to play with fantasy and connection. Role play in the bedroom can be awkward and not the same fantasy we imagine in our head. A Fantasy Weekends scenario will help to make role-play fun and emotionally engaging. Just download the PDF file and follow the instructions. Couples are encouraged to add or subtract whatever elements they choose. The goal is to start out with a commonly played fantasy and discover what you enjoyed about it and then calibrate your desires together. As your experiences develop more trust and understanding, couples can then start to incorporate their own fantasy elements into role-playing.
Download a free Scenario here: https://fantasyweekends.ca/fantasy-weekend-packages/
TEG: Why the sexual topic?
Jeremy D.: Long-term relationships require a lot more than just a wedding and a honeymoon to stay successful. Intimacy is the glue that separates lovers from friends. There are two types of intimacy. Emotional and sexual. Successful couples know how to balance the two.
TEG: What is the idea behind it? What first made you to decide to create fantasyweekends.ca?
Jeremy D.: There was one really fun night we had that gave me the idea. We were at home having some wine. I asked my wife if she could put on some lingerie. Being a little tipsy from the wine. She decided to try on all the lingerie in her drawer. She came out of the bedroom and showcased each outfit one at a time. It was really fun for the both of us.
About a year later I proposed to her that we go away for the weekend and do another lingerie party. She agreed to it and I promptly began buying some fun new lingerie for her to wear. But wearing lingerie doesn’t mean great sex. There needs to be an emotional interest as well. So I tried to make it as fun for the both of us as I could. Instead of modeling lingerie, I gave her 10 call girl descriptions and their lingerie themes. She would spend the next month planning her 10 costumes. We bought wigs and fake jewelry to complete the roles. I wrote her a formal invitation that appeared to be from a third party. The card invited her to rendezvous with me to Whistler B.C. There we escaped our routine life and spent quality time together. We went to the spa, ate at fancy restaurants, strolled the village and of course, role-played a shared sexual fantasy. The first night we role played a blind date, and the second was her introduction of 10 new lingerie outfits. This weekend is now called, “Fantasy Weekends package 1”. Although I bought the wigs and lingerie, she had control of what to wear and who to be. I soon discovered that my Fantasy Weekends offered much more benefits than just stimulating sex. I soon realized that sharing a sexual fantasy offered many other benefits to our relationship too. It also became clear to me how important emotional connection is. The experience was so profound that I’ve been blogging about it since. Learning to balance emotional and sexual connection has suddenly become my topic of research and discovery. Planning an erotic escape with my wife brought about many ways to connect emotionally and develop more appreciation for each other. And from my first lightbulb switch came another, and then another. These past few years I have been tirelessly connecting the dots and building Fantasy Weekends into what it is currently.
TEG: Do you think sex sells?
Jeremy D.: Historically speaking, sex has been used to sell almost anything now. I have no excuse because sex is actually what I’m selling. Our role-play scenarios are lingerie themed erotica. Our product is best suited for the couple that is in a long-term relationship. A Fantasy Weekend scenario can be used as a fun date night idea or weekend getaway.
TEG: Where can you see fantasyweekends.ca going in the next couple of years?
Jeremy D.: The next stage of our product is to communicate with our customers and receive feedback. I would like to know how people are responding to it and what else I should add to it. I’m actively perusing collaboration with another relationship sexpert to help bring expert advice on the topics of sexual fantasy, relationship intimacy, sex ed, kink, passion and erotic connection. I would also like to bring more products into the Fantasy Store. http://fantasyweekends.ca/TheFantasyStore/index.php/shop/
I'd like to sell specific costumes for each scenario. I'm looking into designing a Fantasy Weekends line of lingerie. I’m also thinking about a youtube channel that has podcasts, tips and tricks, Q&A and everything in-between. The roadmap ahead is still quite large. A resort destination or cruise ship will cater well to long-term couples looking for emotional and sexual bonding time.
TEG: What is the best part of your work? What is most challenging about it?
Jeremy D.: The creative aspect is definitely the fun part. I love designing the scenario’s and putting it all together. The idea’s come easy and the creativity seems to flow. My challenge is that I do not yet have a good team together that can bring Fantasy Weekends to the next level. Blogging, writing, social media, editing and IT are all time-consuming tasks.
Thanks for allowing me to answer some of your questions. Fantasy Weekends is just getting started and we are excited to see what is next.
Be sure to visit https://fantasyweekends.ca/downloads/fantasy-weekend-package-1/ to get your free scenario package.
For more information about Fantasy Weekends, visit https://fantasyweekends.ca/contact-us/282-2/.