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What Makes a Man Want to Be a Sugar Daddy
Let’s say there’s a man who is very successful. He pulls a great annual salary. He may or may not be handsome, but he is certainly rich. As for his hobbies and profession, it doesn’t matter what they are, but suffice to say that he makes an honest living.
The money he makes alone is enough to guarantee that he doesn’t need to have to work too hard to get a partner, but if he has any looks at all or any sense of humor or a somewhat decent personality, it’s enough to get him dates and relationships.
So why would he be looking to become a sugar daddy?
Sugar daddy and younger woman relationships are defined by a rich man and a younger, usually beautiful woman who is openly dating him because he is wealthy. There may be other reasons why she is involved with him, but money is definitely one of the reasons. Why would a man agree to do this?
Here are four reasons why a man wants to be sugar daddy:
He doesn’t want the trouble of regular dating
Let’s face it – relationships are a lot of work. Between the constant phone calls and regular Friday and Saturday night dates, a man involved with a woman is guaranteed to have little time to do other things. As a sugar daddy, a man can just put a woman up in accommodations, give her an allowance, and see her on his own terms. She would probably (in all honesty) be happy to have time to herself and to do things with her much-younger friends.
He wants to have a relationship on his own terms
In sugar daddy relationships, the person with the money calls the shots – this is understood. He gets to dictate what they do for vacations, where they go for dinner, and who they associate with, and she can come along and reap the benefits – or she can stay home, and he can find another sugar baby. It’s as simple as that. Most of the time, the woman is happy to come along and enjoy the free holidays, luxurious dinners, shopping trips, and to meet important business people.
He wants to be involved with a young and beautiful woman that he otherwise wouldn’t be able to get.
Sure, he could meet women organically – older, more mature, successful and average-looking women, just like him. That’s just the way things are, at his age. If he didn’t have the money that he does, he wouldn’t get that younger, beautiful woman to look twice at him. He’s decided that life is short and that’s what he wants, so he has to pay the price.
He wants his ego flattered
A sugar baby is there to please her sugar daddy. That’s her part of the trade. He gives her money and material things, and she strokes his ego. She laughs at his jokes, holds onto his arm at high-profile functions and makes him look successful just by the virtue of being there.