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Signs and Behaviors of Being Bisexual
The Kinsley Scale that was developed more than 100 years ago by Wardell Pomeroy, Clyde Martin and Alfred Kinsey uses the number one through six to determine a person’s sexual preferences. Basically, individuals who place at 0 on the scale usually are considered lesbian or gay. Bisexual men and women are usually between 1 and 5 on the Kinsey Scale. Despite using the format test when you want to know whether you’re a bisexual swinger, there are several behaviors and signs which can indicate bisexuality in a person.
Signs of People Being Bisexual Swingers
Here are some of the signs and behaviors to determine if a person is bisexual. You can make use of it if you want
*Homophobic Behavior:-
When a person happens to display extremely homophobic behaviors, he may be doing so since he may have repressed sexual feelings for the men whom he chooses not to acknowledge. Generally, according to research, one homophobia level is a person being afraid of being perceived as lesbian or gay.
People who do not want their girlfriends, wives or close family members and friends to know that they’re either considering or practicing bisexual behavior will in some instances behave with counterfeit hatred and aggression against bisexuals so that people will not suspect their bisexuality.
A person’s angry words or action when he’s around bisexual people indicate also that he’s not comfortable with his own tendencies.
*Past Behavior:-
Some people are normally circumstantial bisexuals i.e. they live as straight individuals most of the time, but will try in some cases to display attraction to the same gender when an opposite-sex partner isn’t available. This is often common for men during time spent in the military or in jail.
Last but not the least; people who happen to have exhibited in the past recreational bisexuality under the influence of alcohol or drugs, are more likely to repeat the behavior during another bout of intoxication.