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How To Make My Wife Horny
6 Of The Best Methods For Making Your Wife Want To Have Sex With You– Tonight!
Does your wife not want sex with you anymore? Can you not encourage her to make love to you? Do you feel that whenever you finally get some action in bed, you have to “force her” to do it? Change this today! There are six methods that will make your wife horny again.
If your wife used to like making love to you, but is now turning her head away telling you that she “is tired” or “has a terrible headache”- then this article is for you! Read it and act right now!
How to make your wife horny: Why doesn’t she want sex with you anymore?
There could be a number of reasons why she doesn’t want to have sexual contact with you anymore, but one thing is for sure: if she’s married to you, she was and probably still is extremely attracted to you. If your sexual relations used to be more satisfying, something probably just went the wrong direction in your relationship.
No matter how much you love her, women are sensitive and sometimes they feel insecure in a relationship without any reason. What’s more, with age our bodies change, so she may not feel as sexy as she did before, which can keep her mind from sexual desire and passion. If a woman doesn’t feel appreciated enough in the relationship, this can cause a lowering of her libido.
1. Start from her head
Female sexuality is more complex than male sexuality. Encouraging her to have sex with you shouldn’t begin with physical things such as touching her breasts or other intimate zones.
First, you have to remind her brain of your presence. Make her think that she wants you and she will not be able to overcome her desire for you.. Forget that you are horny and play the game differently than usual.
Ask her some non-sexual questions, which will show her that you are interested and make her feel comfortable and safe. This is what most women need before sex. Ask her how her day was and then aks some more specific questions. Try one of these:
-Work related: How did she deal with the difficult client she told you about a few days ago? Say something supportive like “if I were your boss, I would have given you a promotion already.”
-Show that you care about her family: “Did you call your mother? How is she?”
-Or keep it simple: “Would you like me to make you tea or fix you a drink”?
Show her that you are interested in her and her affairs, not only her body. Appreciate her efforts to deal with work and home. Focus on her, without saying too much about yourself. Don’t just ask about what’s for dinner today or other selfish questions.
2. Fix something she mentioned a long time ago
If she asked you to fix some things at home, like hanging curtains or repairing the sink, then do it today. Do it yourself or ask someone to do it. Fix the bookcase she asked you about a while ago, so that she feels like you care about the house as much as she does. Don’t brag about it. Just do it and that’s all. She will notice, don’t worry.
If you want to compound the effect, mention something about doing the things she wants. If you’re uncomfortable doing something difficult like buying new furniture or visiting her cousin’s family or other family stuff, you don’t have to do it straight away. Just make her feel that you pay attention and care about her needs.
3. Make her relax and enjoy a nice time together
Propose a nap or a nice date. If she agrees with the nap, don’t try to make love to her. Just let her sleep. During this time, you can take a walk in the park with your kid. Don’t watch TV on full volume. Give her time to rest.
If you go out to the movies choose her style of movie. No action or horror, maybe a romantic comedy. If you go to dinner, don’t drink too much. All your moves should appear spontaneous, without the expectation of them leading to the bedroom. Don’t try to be too sweet. Show the side of your personality you know she likes the best. Don’t force yourself to do things, she will notice and it will cause the opposite effect.
4. Physical contact away from bedroom
Suggest that you have a bath together or give her a massage. She should feel that you want to touch her, not only sexually. She should always know that you care about her. Small, seemingly unaware, random touches can make miracles happen! But you shouldn’t be sneaky, never too obvious. Try one of these:
– When she is making dinner approach her from the back and kiss her neck. Be delicate. Remember, it’s always better to give too little than too much.
– Women love a foot massage. Give it to her while she is watching a movie or reading.
– Catch her by the waist while she is passing by you and hug her gently. Say spontaneous things like “ You look great today!” and “You smell great!” Just say it, hug her, and go about your day.
5. If you have kids, take care of them
Entertain your children during the day and make them tired. This is the exact opposite of how your wife should feel. She should be as rested as possible. Nothing is as awful for a woman to think about as the kids entering the room while she is having sex with you.
Send your kids to a swimming pool, football game, or have them stay at a friend’s place. Send them somewhere so they don’t disturb you throughout the evening. What’s more, your wife will really appreciate that you’re taking care of the children. How men deal with children is an important, unconscious factor that makes men more sexually attractive. Play this card well!
6. Take care of the ambiance
Atmosphere is as important for women as the sexual act itself. Make sure your bedroom is clean. If she likes flowers and candles, put them there for her, or just play her favorite music in the background. Don’t come on too strong though. She should not feel “trapped” or overly seduced.
The most important consideration: until the end, pretend that it isn’t just about sex. When you are in bed together, don’t jump in with an overconfident expression on your face. Don’t behave like a man who is about to score.
Even say:“We don’t have to make love. I see that you are tired. I would just like to massage your back.”
Do it slowly, touching her sensitive areas. Give her time to enjoy the sensation and your hands on her naked body. Don’t go straight to intimate zones. Women are slower than men, so take this into consideration. If she likes the situation, she will advance the situation herself.
On the other hand, if after 10-15 minutes she doesn’t seem like she wants to have sex, don’t give up. Kiss her and continue to slowly stimulate her. “Slowly” is the crucial word here. Give her time and make her think that making love to you is 100% her idea. After sex, be nice too.
Don’t fall asleep immediately after or leave her alone. Stay and build intimacy. That way, you can make love again tomorrow!