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Nothing Wrong With a Little Kink! The Five Myths of BDSM
Ever since “Fifty Shades of Grey”, an erotic romance novel written by British author E. L. James, took center stage a couple of years ago on the erotic lit market, more and more people have gotten interested in BDSM. Or, more appropriately, more people have discovered that their kinkier desires suddenly have a name and are totally normal.
What is BDSM exactly?
BDSM is a triple acronym that stands for bondage and discipline, domination and submission and sadomasochism. People who are interested in BDSM can be interested in one or more of the three main points, but there isn’t any rule that states that all masochists (people who enjoy pain) are necessarily submissive or vice versa. On top of it all, the BDSM scene also has switches, people who like to switch between being dominators and being subs.
There is an infinity of variations and hundreds and hundreds of kinks that fit into the BDSM niche, so there’s no one way to define it really. It’s a combination of things, and being into just some of them is totally fine. So, dear users, if you’re curious about trying a BDSM escort out, we’re here to help you let go of some of your fears. Here are five of the most common myths surrounding consensual kink:
1. It’s dangerous! While there is some danger involved, booking a professional BDSM escort is as safe as it can get. He or she will know what questions to ask, and what limits to suggest. Speak openly about your desires and rest assured that a safe word (chosen in advance of your encounter) will stop the session at any moment if you wish it so. Although BDSM is all about letting go of control in the case of the submissive and gaining full control in the case of the dominator, it cannot function without the consensual approval of all involved parties.
2. It’s all about pain! This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Yes, many people who practice BDSM either like to receive or inflict physical pain, but consensual kink can also take place without any kind of pain whatsoever. A large portion of BDSM is all about the play between domination and submission. It’s a psychological game, a play between teasing and control.
3. It’s all about humiliation! Again, while many practitioners of BDSM get turned on by being humiliated or humiliating someone, this is a personal choice. If you’re not into it, you don’t have to do it. It all depends on your desires.
4. It’ll ruin vanilla sex for me! There are some people who aim for TPE – total power exchange – and 24/7 BDSM relationships, but these are exceptions. Most people who practice BDSM do it for the momentary thrill, for the erotic moment. It’s an added spice to your day-to-day sex life. It’s like chocolate: absolutely delicious, and you might just like it more than vanilla, but if someone offers you some vanilla, you’re not going to say no, noware you? Why not enjoy the best of both worlds?
5. It’ll sip into my day-to-day life. Some people find it thrilling to continue their sexual escapades in their daily lives, but, again, it is a personal choice. You decide, along with your escort, when your encounter ends.
These are just five of the most common myths and stereotypes surrounding the BDSM experience. We hope we’ve managed to set you at ease about contacting that kinky escort you’ve set your eyes on. Just do it and talk things through. You’ll have lots of fun, trust us! Better yet, leave us a comment with how amazing the encounter was!