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Kamasutra and Sex Positions
Kamasutra is written by Vatsyayana Mallanaga in the 3rd century and it is a very ancient guide which teaches different ways of love making. This book has discussion for all the aspects of sexuality but...
Kamasutra is written by Vatsyayana Mallanaga in the 3rd century and it is a very ancient guide which teaches different ways of love making. This book has discussion for all the aspects of sexuality but Kamasutra also depicts relationships and social values in people. It talks about various traditions of that time in India. Sex is an activity which is normal in our lives and it is an experience to cherish and the books written by Vatsayana provides the various Kamasutra sex positions which ensures that people should have maximum pleasure during sex. The set of seven books, Kamasutra talks about emotional bonding between the people, different sex problems and their solutions. Those who want to learn all the aspects of sex, how to enjoy this activity and how to resolve various sex related problem will get benefited after going through it.
Each book of Kamasutra has got its own relevance. It is a set of seven books.
- The first book is about how Brahma created males and females and about the three most important things in a man’s life- Artha, Dharma and Kama.
- The second book talks about how men could be divided into different types according to their lingam and the how the females get categorized according to their genitalia. It also talks about the 64 different types of Kamsutra sex positions.
- The third book shows the importance of marriage
- The fourth book is about the role of wife in family life
- The fifth book show how the men and women inherit nature and how do natures vary from person to person
- The sixth book is about the emotional bondage between the wife and husband and the importance of courtesan
- The seventh book is about how one could remain sexually active and how to resolve various sexual problems.
Kamasutra is a book which is still relevant in the recent times as there are many people who suffer from various sexual problems but could not discuss it with anyone out of shame. With the help of Kamasutra books, one can gain knowledge about sex, resolve the different sexual problems and enjoy the sexual activity to its maximum. The Kamasutra Sex positions help a person to get aroused which is otherwise a common problem in many males and females. Kamasutra is considered as the best book to teach sex to adults in India and across the world.