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The Sexual Freedom Ball - Hedonistic Experience for everyone
The Sexual Freedom Ball is a wonderfully hedonistic experience with something to suit everyone. Whether you are able bodied or disabled, straight, gay, transgender or any other persuasion, this is an event where you will be truly welcomed.
This year heralds a new incarnation of the previously named Sex Maniac's Ball. The ball has been stripped back to its bare bones, injected with new ideas and energy and rebranded as The Sexual Freedom Ball.
I had the possibility to ask few question the creator of SFB - Val Clark.
Marta M: Can you tell us a little bit about SMB 2017?
Val Clark: The Sexual Freedom Ball (formerly Sex Maniac's Ball) 2017 is a fully inclusive event where people can truly be themselves. Everyone is welcome and there's something for everyone to enjoy. The ball is happening at the Club Union in Vauxhall on 23rd September this year. The event will have everything from performers to interactive displays. There will be a dungeon, couples areas, and general chill out areas along with dance floors and entertainment. There will also be raffles (vanilla as well as kinky prizes) and a slave auction for those who fancy selling their services for charity for the evening. There's really just too much to mention here. We're also very open to suggestions of what people would like to see.
M.M: What motivates you to do this?
V.C: I believe that all people, regardless of ability or gender preference are entitled to express themselves freely and be accepted in society. So often disabled people are put to the bottom of the pile while people presume that they have no sexual needs. They do! Disabled people are just people, no different in their needs and desires to anyone else. Personally, I have a disabled step-daughter and a disabled grandson; without charities like Outsiders, they will be left to the medical profession to deal with when they reach maturity. Outsiders offers what the medical profession cannot offer, a chance to find friends and partners and real advice on sex with a disability.
M.M: How many participants had volunteered to be a part of the festival this year?
V.C: Volunteer numbers always depend on the size of the venue and a number of people expected to attend. This year we will have in excess of 50 volunteers, ranging from people who help to create the ball to performers, DJ's and various other staff.
M.M: What would you expect to experience if you attend the festival this year (2017)?
V.C: You would experience a wonderfully hedonistic, free-spirited event where you would be met with total acceptance. Whether you fit society's norms or not, it really doesn't matter. All that we ask is that you enter the ball in a spirit of acceptance of others. Whatever you decide to do at the ball, you will have a whole lot of fun.
Where can people find more information about your event?
V.C: All of the information and contact details you need are on the website: www.sexualfreedomball.co.uk
The Sexual Freedom Ball; Saturday 23rd September 2017
Club Union: 66 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TW