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Japan’s Crazy Sex Fetishes
When you think about Japan, you automatically think about weird, kinky fetishes. So, if your New Year’s Resolution is to expand your sexual horizon and to try out all kind of new, crazy things in bed, then a trip to Japan must be on your list.
Can't you go all the way to Japan? No worries, that’s why we’re here, with a short list of some of the craziest Japanese fetishes you should try for yourself!
All you have to do is open your mind towards new sensations and leave the traditional beliefs aside because there is nothing familiar in the way the Japanese people relate to sex.
1. GAMAN KAO – The Sex Face
Gaman Kao translates to “patience face” and it’s an affinity for the faces a person does during sex. This fetish, like most of the Japanese fetishes, has nothing to do with actual sex, or sexual body parts, it only refers to the faces a person does in the heat of the moment. The ones passionate about Gaman Kao are not interested to see the sex-related body parts, they only want to see the woman’s face expressions while reaching orgasm.
2. DATCH WAIFU– The Ultra-Realistic Sex Doll
Did you know that some of the most sophisticated sex dolls in the world are being created by Japanese? Each year, tens of thousands of Japanese men try to deal with their loneliness by buying or renting a Datch Waifu, also known as a “Dutch Wife”. The Datch Waifu is an ultra-realistic sex doll, made from the highest-quality silicone material, with very realistic eyes and skin. It was created for those that don’t have the time or the skills to meet and have sex with a real woman.
3. The Face Farting
Face Farting is a big thing is the Japanese fetish world nowadays and it has its roots in the old Japan culture when women were forbidden to fart in the presence of other people. This fetish does not only involves smelling a girl’s fart but also being farted on the face. The ideal fart is smelly and as loud as it can be. Yeah, as weird as it may sound, face farting it’s a thing….and you get to try it for yourself!
4. The Love Pillow
Pillows with comic idols printed on them are a big thing nowadays in Japan. You can order your pillow with your favorite character printed on it and you’ll get a special pillow with anatomically correct body parts and a removable and washable hole. So, you can say goodbye to the lonely cold nights!
5. IMEKURA – The Image Clubs
This different type of brothel has taken the Japanese business world by storm, attracting people interested in experiencing their forbidden fantasies. The Imekura are decorated to transport the clients into their wildest fantasy. While some rooms are glamorous decorated, most of the rooms try to recreate everyday environments like schoolrooms, changing rooms, hospital rooms and even groping in public transportation. We are talking about scenes recreated to inflame the imagination and increase the desire. Each room has a willing actress who will act exactly how the client chooses to – from reluctant and innocent, to wild and sexy.
6. BEBIGYARU– The Diaper Fetish
The diaper fetish started as the need of the middle-aged men to lose control and to be taken care of after a hard day, just like a baby is. Now the fetish has grown and developed, it includes both women and clients wearing diapers and also some accessories like teeters and milk bottles. This crazy Japanese sex sub-culture has spread worldwide, so don’t be astonished if a client comes and asks for this special treatment.
7. ZETTAI RYOKIU – The Thigh Fetish
Zettai Ryokiu is connected to the knee-high socks worn by young women in Japan. This is a body part fetish that refers to the naked area between the edge of the sock and the mini skirt. It seems that a lot of men are aroused at the sight of this tiny uncovered area of skin.
Feeling intrigued? Then leave the inhibitions aside and choose to explore your wild side…who knows, maybe you’ll discover some new, crazy sex fetishes you absolutely adore!